Then you will invent some new recipes and invite people to check your pizzeria out! If you will do everything in the best way, they will surely come back to your place and you will gain more income! Using these money, you will be able to make more pizza, buy new equipment, and decorations for your beautiful place. Hire professionals and create a team to cook amazing pizza and track the business processes inside of the pizzeria. You will start with arranging your pizzeria and making it nice and comfortable for your customers. The task differs a lot – now you are an owner, so your task is to bring the pizzeria to order, invite visitors, and ensure that they are having a great time in your restaurant. You are not going to get frightened to death. This game is not very similar to other chapters of the franchise. Have you ever dreamt of having a pizzeria? What about a very thematic and even a bit spooky one? This is a simulator where you will become an owner of Freddy’s pizza house! Take your chance and enjoy being a real entrepreneur.